Rick Osterhout
Thanks for checking out my website. My home page is a pretty good representation of my work. A 20ft dragster made from a cornucopia of parts parked in the driveway, a 500LB rocking bear in the yard, a barn full of wood and stones and always a loving dog close by.... either I'm some sort of an artist or I'm slipping into eccentricity.
I've been accused of being an artist for years but I never felt comfortable identifying as one until I read the words "blue collar art" in the definition of folk art. I identified. I'm a woodworker, craftsman and generally a creative person who's been consciously gaining and honing skills and accumulating tools and materials that help me to make the things I want to make.
My workshop and gallery are in an old barn on a dirt road in the town of Phillips, in the beautiful western mountains of Maine.

Carved pine and found objects Private Collection

I've designed and built about 30 timber frames... so far.